Thursday 1 November 2012

John Doerr sees salvation and profit in greentech summary

    John Doerr discusses in his video green technologies and there implementation. Walmart which is the largest private user of electricity has made becoming green a top priority. They made their stores more efficient by painting the roofs white to make cooling easier, installing skylights to harness daylight instead of using artificial lighting, and installing doors and led lighting on all their refrigerators and freezers. By Walmart declaring they are going to go green and be profitable it strongly encourages other corporations and businesses to do the same because Walmart is on of the most powerful and influential corporations.
    Brazil mandated that every gas station carry ethanol, they also mandated that all their new vehicles be flex-fuel (can run both ethanol or gasoline). As a result they now have 29,000 ethanol pumps as verses the U.S.'s 700, their car fleet is now 85% flex-fuel as versus the U.S.'s 5%. By doing this they have reduced their fuel consumption by 40% and reduced their country's CO2 emissions by 10%. There are new green technologies being  developed everyday with funding for research and development coming from all over the place, however Doerr is scarred it isn't enough. Scientists estimate that we need to decrease CO2 emissions by 1/2 in order to stabilize our atmosphere.
    The problem is even though we got the political will in the U.S. to reduce emissions, we need to reduce emissions all over the world, in order to do this we need to make it economically viable for everyone and make it so all country's still have the ability to make profit.

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