Wednesday 19 September 2012


   I have been in class for just under two weeks and can already feel the passion that our class has for environmental issues. Many classmates already have knowledge of current environmental issues and some are even actively involved in trying to change how people view and take care of the environment.
   I myself came into this class knowing very little about the philosophy behind environmental issues and about current issues around the world, I am more concerned with the mechanisms upon which are ecosystems and environment depend on. My main focus is on how things work and what we have done to change how the natural environment operates. However in the small amount of time that I have been in this class I have learned that there is much more to environmental studies than just the mechanics of it. There is also political and social aspects that need to be dealt with. Through our discussion's in class and the assigned readings i have become much more aware of the passion upon which people deal with environmental issues. I feel as though I'm getting much more involved with the issues and am that much closer to helping preserve our environment. I look forward to getting more in depth with current issues.

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